The Birth

There once was a beautiful friendship that God allowed me to enter. It was a friendship of God’s divine plan, a bond that now I see God had his hand in like interwoven branches connected to a vine. The conversation went like this “I think you are emotionally insecure, why are you like this? Why are you so insecure?” Those were the words that I heard, and I remember not having a real response because for one I believed I wasn’t emotional insecure and two I thought I hide the fact that I was insecure very well. I remember not agreeing feeling defensive not wanting to be in the friendship any longer I wrote about the encounter in my journal, and I prayed yes prayed as well as cried, and I had such a massive weight of conviction on me.
I pushed through the emotional part of it, so I thought and continued the friendship, but then one day I became so frustrated with the unknown of where the bond was heading I got so boggled up in the process that I quickly lost sight of the promise, and I ended the friendship, and the birthing pains begin. I remember hearing a particular sermon about love; you know that one about loving your neighbor as you love yourself, yeah that one, and so much conviction came upon me. I started to read my bible more, and I would listen to sermons throughout the week every time I would feel conviction. I remember calling my friend begging for forgiveness but no answer, no response. I would cry silently on the inside God; why didn’t I understand? I begin to seek God so much, not even recognizing what was going on. The separation of a beautiful friendship was all in God’s plan to humble me to take me through the process of growth. I had to learn what it was to die to myself and allow the Holy Spirit to change me to produce the fruit of the spirit. I couldn’t see that it was a beautiful friendship because I wanted things to go my way or the way I thought they should go. I couldn’t know that it was beautiful because my flesh was leading me, not my spirit.
The day I yield to the process of my growth was the day destiny was birth. It was the day that I came to realize that yes I fell short, I quit, and I lost hope, but it was also a day that when I felt weak and defeated God became my strength. I began to put on a new perspective a Godly perspective, one full of humility which led to the gift. What is this gift? The birth of Letters to our Father’s.